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My source of happiness(​ཆོས་སྒྲོན་སྐྱིད། དམའ་གཅིག་འཛིན་གྲྭ་དྲུག་པ།)

2023年09月24日 10:55:16 访问量:24 作者:切卓吉
​ཆོས་སྒྲོན་སྐྱིད། དམའ་གཅིག་འཛིན་གྲྭ་དྲུག་པ།
There are five people in my family. They're my father、my mother、my sister、my brother、 and me.
My father is a driver. He's tall and strong. He loves his work and his family very much. My father is a hardworking man who is so busy that he has no time to play with me. I still love my father. He is my hero.
My mother is beautiful. She has long hair. She is not tall but thin. She loves cooking. She cooks delicious food for me. I love her.
My brother is a nurse. He likes playing basketball and listening to music. We often play basketball together. It is difficult for me to play basketball. But it's not too difficult for me to play with my brother.
My sister is a high school student. She studies very hard. She doesn't like talking to others very much. At school, she is a good student. At home, she is a good child.
I am a junior high school student. My favorite subject is English. I usually like reading English chapters and singing songs. So I can pass every English exam. May future exams go as well. It is my family. I wish my families were peaceful and secure.

主 办:泽库县西部民族中学《青春足迹》编辑部
编 辑:扎西加
复 审:叶旦加
终 审:许振长
上一篇:I love my mother language

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